Organic Kumamoto-Soyo-Sencha-Tea

Nutrient-rich soil and purest water result in it’s unmistakably clear taste


Organic Kumamoto-Soyo-Sencha-Tea Premium

The fields in which the tea plants of the KUMAMOTO-SOYO-SENCHA-TEE BIO thrive are on the south side of Mount Aso, at an altitude of 500 to 800 meters. The river Gokasegawa runs through the middle of the lush vegetation of the mountain. Its water is so pure that it has been consistently recognised for its high water quality by the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport for six years.

Purley organic

The proximity to the river promotes the formation of warm morning mist, which spreads over the fields early and, in interplay with sunlight, creates a unique environment. The haze, which protects the plants from UV rays in the early morning hours, promotes the theanine content and thus the sweet taste, while the midday sunlight creates healthy catechin. In this ideal environment, the tea plants can grow and mature in order to shine in aroma and taste after the harvest. This tea is also grown purely organically and is free from pesticides, genetic engineering and artificial fertilisers.


The nutrient-rich soil and the pure water, which both flow into this unmistakably clear taste of the KUMAMOTO-SOYO-SENCHA-TEA BIO, are of historical origin. The closeness to nature has always been a sacred asset for the inhabitants of this region, as the oldest Shinto shrine in Japan - built around 15,000 years ago - protects, in an animistic tradition, the natural composition of mountains and valleys.



Organic Kumamoto-Soyo- Sencha-Tea Premium


Before pouring:

Shape of leaves: pencil-like, robust cylindrical shape
Color: dark olive green
Fragrance: incisive fragrance, which stays with you for a long time

After pouring:

Color: reminiscent of the mild yellow of autumn chrysanthemums
Fragrance: clear and genuine; spreads an aroma of early summer freshness
Taste: deep, powerful and touching; the wonderful umami note lingers on the tongue for a long time and is slowly replaced by a delicate bitterness; already the first sip leads to inner peace



Organic Kumamoto-Soyo-Sencha-Tea


Before pouring:

Shape of leaves: pencil-like, but slightly wider cylinder shape
Color: dark olive green
Fragrance: strong green tea scent with a hint of fresh humus

After pouring:

Color: shimmering, bright flower yellow
Fragrance: more tender and lighter than the premium version, the fragrance conveys a certain light-heartedness
Taste: bitterness and umami alternate in terms of taste in a balanced and harmonious way; proven tea for daily enjoyment


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